السادة الزوار الكرام ****مرحباً بكم في موقع ايكو الالكتروني********يمكنكم الاستفادة من الكتب الموجودة بمكتبة ايكو ******** رؤية المكتب الاستشاري للكهرباء والاتصالات هي أن يكون في طليعة الشركات والمكاتب الاستشارية وذلك في تقديم أفضل الخدمات الاستشارية والتدريب والدراسات في مجال الكهرباء والاتصالات

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2025-01-23 18:10

Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives

Motor Starting Studies are performed on a power system to determine unusual consequences of starting a large motor. There are many considerations to starting a motor other than effectively connecting it to the line voltage. Nuisance tripping and excessive running currents, as well as dimming of lights, are signs that a power system isn’t performing properly.

During starting, an AC induction motor or AC synchronous motor will draw greater-than-normal running current, typically about 600% of rated full-load current and will last as long, although diminishing in magnitude, as the motor goes to full speed. If a motor is started with a mechanical load connected to the shaft, inrush current will be drawn for a longer period of time. However, it will not be greater in magnitude than if the motor was started with no load.

The power system should be able to supply inrush to any motor on the system while supplying normal service for the rest of the system. If the system does not have sufficient capacity, there will be excessively low voltage drops and insufficient capacity for motor starting.

Planning of Electric Power Distribution - Siemens

Motors, Drives, Controls, PLCs Catalog


Development and infrastructure plans require the best use of tools and equipments especially in the design, planning and studies procedures. Energy, Communication and water systems projects are in  dire need of such procedures and require the use of vast land and underground, where their networks interact in providing the best services. Design, planning, map drawing and archiving of such networks require the use of latest modern technology such as RD1000.GPR SYSTEM in projects such as:

Electrical Power Cabling Network

Communication Networks

Water and Sewage Networks

Archiving and Documentation

Reports and Consultations

RD1000.GPR SYSTEM is categorized as most accurate, transportable, flexible system  connected to other output systems such as personal computer. It is highly suitable to work in narrow and specified areas along with depths that meets the international standards applied in such projects.

Our Services

Electrical and Communication Consultation Office is equipped to provide the service and use of RD1000.GPR SYSTEM by treating it as one of the best technology in planning, design ,detection of cables and pipes in any infrastructure or a development project especially for energy, communication and water networks. We also undertake services concerning map drawing, reporting and the needed consultations for the application use of RD1000.GPR SYSTEM.



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أسس المكتب الإستشاري للكهرباء والإتصالات سنة 2006 ليساهم فى برامج التطوير والرفع من المستوى التقنى فى أهم وأكبر القطاعات الحيوية والركائز الرئيسية للإقتصاد  ومواكبة التغيرات والتطور فى عصرالمعرفة والمعلومات.

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