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2025-01-23 09:52

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy


Renewable Energy Focus Handbook

Save energy bills by implementing “Energy Audit” suggestion and recommendation

Smart Automation energy audit team provide information about how much energy your office/commercial building consumes and suggest improvements you can make to reduce your energy bills/costs. Before share any recommendation our trained/professional auditors will thoroughly explore your entire office/commercial building premises.

Benefits of Energy Audit:-

  • Commercial energy audits reduce operational overhead.
  • Commercial energy audits help to reduce costs on utility bills
  • Commercial energy audits extend facility life.
  • Commercial energy audits increase building efficiency.
  • Commercial energy audits increase return on invested capital.
  • Commercial energy audits can eliminate unhealthy living conditions

Smart Automation’s Scope of work for detailed Energy Audit

  • Analysis of the energy bills for demand, power factor, category of tariff
  • Assess kW demand of UPS, air conditioners and lighting
  • Testing of power quality covering minimum of harmonic distortions and power factor at each floor level distribution board
  • Testing of all on site motors covering their power factor and meter readings and technical health of the equipment.
  • Testing of lighting fixtures covering the lux levels to propose Smart controls that minimise power consumptions.
  • Testing of floor level air conditioning sensors, associated actuators and three way valves that provide inputs to the BTU meter
  • Testing of energy meter that calculates consumption of energy units consumed by Company
  • Basis of chilled water Btu readings tariff (Review of actual expense incurred by the developer, subsequent analysis, assumptions and calculation of the BTU tariff
  • Review of specifications of all on site equipment and fixtures to advise on their energy utilisation
  • Review of facility operation from energy optimisation perspective and advice optimisation measures and propose associated technology
  • Identify reasons for after office energy use and week end energy use.
  • Perform an energy balance
  • Evaluating options for offsite power
  • Final Recommendations and Assignment Report

There are so many sustainable development services/solutions we offers our clients to reducing energy consumption and improving the quality of the energy while maximising the return on investment of the building.

فيديو ايكو


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أسس المكتب الإستشاري للكهرباء والإتصالات سنة 2006 ليساهم فى برامج التطوير والرفع من المستوى التقنى فى أهم وأكبر القطاعات الحيوية والركائز الرئيسية للإقتصاد  ومواكبة التغيرات والتطور فى عصرالمعرفة والمعلومات.

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